
A crack on the wall

Someone said "write it the way you imagine it, with the people and things that delight you. Write it before someone else takes the pen, draws the path for you, and scribbles away your life".
We live in a generation where immorality and careless lustful mindset are seen as norms and a normal lifestyle. They are no longer considered disgusting, evil or shameful. A world where evil is glorified, praised and emulated.

Cases of pedophiles have become prevalent. Children are subjected to painful childhood, they have just one childhood but why aren't we making it count?. They suffer physical, psychological and emotional trauma.
At some point or the other, we would have realized that we fueled the  "fire on the mountain", we would have no place to run to. A young girl was jailed for killing the young man who assulted her. I tend to wonder why they didn't tender justice with mercy, considering her age, her pains and mistakes.
Most of them have been lured with the flamboyant lifestyles of celebrities and peer groups.
"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like." Will Smith.

Although studies has shown that most of this young girls in a bid to have flashy phones and beautiful dresses their parents cannot afford, they engage in such immoral act to live up to the expectation of the society.
Younger children have been used as tools and toys in the hands of these wicked men. Most children have died of extreme pains and complications arising from the painful journey their tender Virginia's has to go through. Children below 10 have been assulted, teen's, even adults. All for pleasure, to satisfy one's animalistic desire, ignoring the pains and cries of these precious babies.

Trust has been a lingering signature that has led many into this. They trust so innocently, they trust those they call "uncle", those friendly faces, those smiles, those public display of affection, that security, that compliment, that sweet and candy. So innocent, so naive, so fragile.
He stoops so low to have canal knowledge of a minor. Woe to such a man.

Karma they say has everyone's address even if you are homeless. Karma has every one's menu, you get served what you deserve!.
Mothers ! protect that girl child, give her all she ask for then a man will be a bonus to her. Instill in her that trust, be her friend, so that she can confide in you even when that "uncle" instructs her not to tell anyone.
Let her trust you as a mother to be her guardian angel.

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  1. Melt my heart, Priscilla. You're original. I heard your voice and I hope the target audience hears you, too.

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