
See what regular intake of water can do for you

Dehydration is the condition in which water in the body drops below normal level. This is usually caused by illness, sweating or by not drinking enough water.

A lot of people unconsciously forget to drink water, whereas it is in the nature of some other persons. You will never know what level of damages you expose your health to when you denied yourself water.

However,if one continues to be dehydrated often time especially a student or working class persons who engages himself to physical and mental exercise is bound to suffer.

As a student in higher institution, aside having a good feeding plan, one of the tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to be hydrated (ensure you drink enough water). This is also applicable to a working class person.

Research have shown that one of the preventive measures for headache is regular intake of water. Do you know that once you loose as little as 2% of your body's water content it can lead to altered body temperature control, reduced motivation, increased fatigue and make exercise feel much more difficult, both physically and mentally.
Drink enough water regularly.

Written By
Dinwoke Jessica

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