
Man blast IMT Enugu (Video)

Man blast IMT Enugu(Video)

A man yet to be identified in Enugu who is supposedly a former student of the Institute of Management and Technology, IMT took his time to record the academic facility of the school.

The said video he recorded have been circulating on different platforms online. This video is raising a whole lot of controversies on social media.

He started by posing a question.. in his words "how do you feel when you go back to the school you finished from years back to find out nothing has changed?"

He took his time to walk around the school diverse departments and showed everyone who cared to see how unmanaged and dirty the school environment looks. The walls are broken. Old windows, no fans, no electricity and some part of the students hostel had also collapsed and looked abandoned.

He lamented on how the school collects a yearly budget from the government yet, no good infrastructure.

Leaders on different fields which are called school management according to him send their kids abroad and leave the poor man kid to die in what he called "dead learning environment".

He hopes the video gets to the right source and have Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu fixed for the betterment the youth's future.

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