
My Biggest Nightmare

My Biggest Nightmare

“To all those who feel that there isn’t a passage out of that tunnel”

His words fell like broken plates!
I gnashed my teeth
“Felt in secured
And betrayed”

I had never bargained for this.
I expected more
Not an Utopia
And definitely not a mirage
Schizophrenia sets in
I have become a mundane.
As the noose seems to tighten,
I had began to choke.
He became a scorpion that stung!
I had become a bouncing castle
I never have a say
On how things ought to be done
I had perceived rage in his tone
So I decided to walk on egg shell all day.

But it did not stop him
From raising those mighty fists at me!
It irked me!
Rage grew inside of me!
“I could not fight back
I was weak
And belittled”

My tears had become tasty wines
To my tongue
I could not speak against him
He was meant to be sanctimonious
Holier than the Pope.
At midnight,
The battle still continued
His claws devouring me
Like a fresh prey
I pleaded
I cried
He shoved me
And executed his will.
To his satisfaction.

I layed there still
Wide opened
In a belligerent position
I fought the urge to retaliate
My words became that of a shrew woman
He complained
“That I had become irksome”
Albeit to this,
I was hopeful,
I loved even more.

Then I began to hear tales
Of all those who had died
Many have died
Some others hospitalized
Few were bold to be outspoken
And resorted for help.
My case was that of a roller coaster.
He begged me not to leave
“Because he loved me”
I fell for his sweet words
They were words
I desperately wanted to hear
Those words soothed my ears
And made my heart leap for delight
I was a fool!

My children were my lynchpin
I had to endure all for their sake
Their future
I thought aloud
What about the society?
“They scared me the most
Those prowling eyes
Those loud voices
That sounded like thunderstorm”
They would force me to stay back.
And my family?
“They would be disappointed
I wanted to speak up
Wanted to stand up
Wanted a voice of my own
I wanted something more
Not something like love
I wanted him to by backbone
My strength
My husband
My friend and shoulder”

But he turned out to be my biggest nightmare
My story hasn’t ended
Another episode has began
That unfinished song had just ended
“He beat me so hard
So hard
I could not cry this time
I only became still
The word around me was still
And quiet
I am gone”

Those pages just flipped
I Wish I had walked out
Wish I had spoken out
Wish I had…….
Too late to cry!

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