
Revealing the impacts of Words

Revealing the impacts of Words

"Words are just words" they say but is this true?

No, words aren't just words.
Words are power,
Words have power,
Words could be your power.
Words when said and articulated in the right way can change someone's mind. They can alter someone's beliefs.

You can change your life, inspire nations or make the world a beautiful place.
You have the power to pick someone from the slums of life or destroy someone's happiness using only your words.
Your mouth can speak venom or it can mend a broken soul.

Words only matter if backed up with action.
I once read the story of a man whose father was sent to jail while he was a young boy. He was at that time staying with his grandma with his brother and day after day, they kept the hope alive that their father will be out one day.
One day, their father called from the prison to tell them that he would be home that day.
They were so excited that they tidied up their room, got dressed up and went outside to sit expecting their father's return.

They were there till nightfall but their father didn't come. They got discouraged but they still had in it their mind that their father would show up.
It happened again another time and the whole episode was repeated without their father showing up.
It continued like that until they lost faith in their father's words.

Do you want to be the reason why someone would say "If the only person that I care about doesn't care, then why should I?"
The above statement is an expression of distrust and rejection which could have been caused by we not fulfilling our promises.
"Everything in this world has worth if not misused".

Words can be misused especially when it is said for personal gains, to make someone get off your back for a while, to make someone feel comfortable around you for the wrong reasons.
Never let the sun set on your promises.
Be a man/ woman of your words.

Written by
Faluyi Ifeoluwa

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