
When to drink Water after Workout

When to drink Water after Workout

When you run or any kind of workout you do ,hear develops in your body,similar to exothermic process.

So imagine what happens when you pour water on fire,change in temperature takes place ,and that difference in temperature is very much exothermic and if same thing happens in your body ,that you running for long and already you been warmed up and suddenly you drink lot of water ,change in temperature takes place And it will effect your health,functioning of organs as well as reduce your digestion system with less metabolism rate.

So instead sip little bit of water in between the workout or running to maintain temperature difference.
Neither we want to create too much heat inside out body while workout out neither make it sudden change by drinking lot of water suddenly.

Fat has no effect however,it mainly depends upon your calories intake and burn thought-out your day.
Eat better calories in the form of healthy fats carbs and protein.
And workout regularly ,fat will go away slowly and muscle mass will increase.

Work out to increase muscle ,as soon muscle ratio increase fat percentage will go down.
It's does not slow down the fat burning process. When you have been running for 3 to 4 miles and you drink water your lungs will be expanding and depleting very fast and heavily so when you take a exhaustive deep breathe the chances of water entering you lungs can happen and not much will happen but overtime it may lead to lung related problems.

Sometimes the water might come out through your nose. So before drinking water after running relax yourself for a minute or two.
Stay fit stay strong

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