
A student of IMT Enugu drag an Ex SUG President on Social Media as Debtor's Challenge is trending

A student of IMT Enugu drag an Ex SUG President on Social Media as Debtor's Challenge is trending

Here is a story of one Mr. Odo Jeremiah




His Facebook link:

Kenneth Chucks is my Debtor for Over a year and months now over My Health Insurance Scheme Fund allocated to me for my Hospital Bills but he looted it like Palliatives.

Fabulous Afternoon Ranters...❣️

  Please Ranters Family, I'm here with all humility to ask for your Favour inorder to collect the money my Debtor has been owing me since September last year...


 I'm a student of Institute of Management and Technology IMT Enugu, And it happened that last year August 13th, 2019, I and my mum had a Fire incident in her Bakery Shop where she baked snacks,

(Our GasCylinder caught fire and exploded)

As God may have it, The Fire was controlled but we've already sustained so much burns injury.

This happened  around 10:35am on a  Tuesday Morning. 

The worst was that my Dad was out of town that week.

 We were rushed to National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu on the same day after some First Aid treatment from our neighbors.

The pains were so severe that I even wished for death. We were kept at the Trauma Ward which is also known as Emergency ward for some hours.

By 5pm that same day, We were later transferred to ACUTE BURNS, That's the ward were Burnse patients are kept for proper treatment because it's a severe case.

🧊 I and my Mum weren't able to walk, Pipes were fixed into our Gentials to be able to urinate. It was a horrible experience that I won't even wish my any person.

After some days, about Five days later, When I must have regained some counciousnes, One Doctor engaged me in a Conversation, 

(I can't remember his name though)

 and started asking me some questions like,

Are you a student?

And I affirmed,

He then asked which school?

I replied IMT Enugu.

He then asked  if my School is Under any Insurance Scheme Program?

I answered I don't know but we do pay Insurance Fee via yearly interval.

Then he said I should call the School Management or Student Union Leaders  to ask them.

He also said I should be fast about it that the Insurance scheme will provide all my Hospital Expenses and even thou they can't pay all, that they would bring a reasonable amount of money.

Which I thanked him and placed call to our then SUG PRESIDENT.

To cut the long Story short, I called my school Former SUG PRESIDENT by name Rt. Comr.

 Osogwu Kenneth Chucks on phone and asked him if IMT is under any Insurance Scheme Program which he affirmed.

Then I asked him how I'm I to process it.

He told me to concentrate more on getting better that he will process it for me and even speed up the process in order to receive my payment before my discharge..

▪️ Two weeks passed, I kept calling him each day that passes and he kept assuring Us that he's working towards it. 

We stayed in the hospital for Three weeks (20days)

With the daily expenses and dressing of wounds which costs huge amount of money and even the Tests that follows.

I kept calling this our SUG PRESIDENT and he assured me that i will  be refunded all the money we spent on my own treatment.

We were later discharged on the 2nd of September 2019.

We returned home.

▪️ I wouldn't have resumed school that period but because it was Our Second Semester Examination, I had to resume for my Exams in cluthes just to avoid repeating class,

I never ceased calling our SUG PRESIDENT to know how far the process is going.

He kept assuring me that things are moving right that I should submit the photocopies of all the expenses I made in the hospital.

I photocopied all the receipts and sent it to him through the SUG CLERK, I called him the next day and he told me that he has gotten the photocopies of the receipts I sent through his employee, He then requested we see in school the next day.

 I boarded Opay ride and went to see him in school, He was in a rush that day and he said the Insurance Scheme Management said what they needed was the Original receipts of the hospital bills.

So luckily to me, I was with the receipts in my School bag, Then I handed it over to him.

(I no longer have the copies of the receipts both Original and Photocopies).

▪️ That was the highest mistake I made, Blame me, judge me  I understand, But please do understand that I was desperate and never wanted the process to slow down because of my doings.

I gave him both the Original and Photocopies just because I trusted this Man and I even thought he was there to help me without knowing he was there to enrich himself and satisfy his greedy quests.

*Not every help is legit though*

🧊 My fellow Ranters, I kept calling this our SUG PRESIDENT to the extent that I even felt ashamed of myself, He told me to stop calling him that once he gets the money from the Insurance Scheme that he would alert me.

I stopped Disturbing him but I do call Sometimes but not as usual.

2019 ended and nothing came out from him.

▪️ We held a Health  Seminar in school by February ending this year 2020, The purpose of the Seminar was to educate the newly admitted Students how they can access the School Medical center, 

Also how the Insurance Scheme can assist in paying for Students Hospital Bills once the hospital is registered under the school and  other Health related issues.

 At the climax of the Seminar, The Doctor incharge of IMT MEDICAL CENTER 

Dr. Obasi opened floor for Students to ask questions.

I brought up my own issue that Sir I haven't received any payment since September I was discharged from the hospital.

He asked of my name

Which I told him, that I was the student who has Gas fire incident, 

He then told me that they have paid the money to the SUG PRESIDENT, that I should meet him after the seminar.

  After the Seminar I walked up to him and he told me that they have paid that money to Kenneth our then SUG PRESIDENT since last year.

Dr. Obasi called him on phone and asked him why he hasn't given me my money, He started stammaring and said he would see me soon.

We later meet in school and he started telling me jargons, How he used my Insurance Scheme Fund to pay for his two bedroom self contain apartment and how he was been disturbed by his Landlord, And how his brother has been in prison for months, and how he bought two Keke na pep and the people he gave the Keke to are no longer paying.

This is a guy that is wealthy and Changes cars randomly.

He told me to exercise some patience that he would pay me by March Ending,

I waited till March Ended and we entered Corona break, whenever I call him during the pandemic he would busy my calls and never replies my chats on social Media Platforms.

▪️ After our school called off the Corona break on the 12th October 2020, I decided to call him up once again to remind him about the money because I have many bills to pay,

School fees

Accommodation and other miscellaneous stuff.

He keep posting me around and I then decided to include the Doctor of  my School MEDICAL CENTER, The Doctor keeps fixing appointments which he never shows up.

After much disturbance from few people I narrated this ordeal to he decided to see me in December after so many failed attempts, we later saw in school and this happened.

▪️ After his big English, And after claiming to have went to different places the same day that he is tired and how he needed us to see to clear off the issue.

He then told me that he is certain that the Money didn't exceed #85,000 that how much do he want him to give to me so that everything will be cleared off.

I told him that the hospital expenses is even above Two hundred Thousand Naira (#200,000) that it's not #85,000.

After so much argument between us, I stood my stand that my money is above that amount he mentionined.

He said I should check the receipts and tell him, 

I told him he was with all the receipts both Original and Photocopies.

He then told me that he is certain that that money doesn't exceed One hundred thousand, that I should just say how much I want him to give me, so he would send it to me and then let's clear the case.

I told him my money is above 200k.

He claimed he submitted the original receipts to the Head of insurance Scheme Program and that he doesn't know where he kept the other photocopies.

I said no problems, he suggested we go to the hospital and get the total sum I spent while in the hospital.

I explained to him that the hospital won't have all the expenses I made in the hospital at their possessions, Even the Laboratory Test that was conducted and the Medicines and Materials that was paid for, for dressings and also the drugs we couldn't get in the hospital Pharmacy.

To cut everything short, I later went to National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu on the 17th of December 2020 and explained all these ordeal to the Workers, Some felt pity of my story and directed me on how to get the receipts but they even told me that I can't retrieve all.

I was directed to the pharmacy, where I got some receipts

To OPD Department where I stood for almost three hours to be attended to.

Then to the Audit, where I was given some receipts to photocopy

Then to the General Accountant Office where my Folder was pulled out for some receipts too.

 I got all these receipts, it's not all though but it was a reasonable amount of Two Hundred and Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred and Seventy Five Naira.

 (#216,575) exclusive of the Lab Tests that worths 35k and the Drugs we got from outside the hospital Pharmacy.

 I've sent the receipts to the SUG PRESIDENT since 18th December 2020 but he hasn't replied up till now.

I even called him last week and he was talking in the rubbish.

Please my fellow Ranters,

Do help me out of this Predicament.

It's so horrible and bad how people oppress people because they feel you can't do nothing.

PLEASE CALL, TEXT AND DISTURB HIM TO PAY ME. This is the highest form of wickedness and inhumanity to human.Thanks in Anticipation.

Kenneth Chucks on Facebook. 08033994921.

 That's my Debtors WhatsApp and Mobile Contact.


  1. The wicked must not go unpunished. Kenneth chucks or what are you called pay up your bills before the crying and prayers of CEM department will hurnt you down. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer. We prayed for our brother and we also prayed for his bills. So be very careful.

  2. Nawaooo.... This site should update us on this issue.... Has the bill been paid?

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